South Carolina Firefighters: How to Calculate Your Pension Step-by-Step

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  • South Carolina Firefighters: How to Calculate Your Pension Step-by-Step

As a firefighter in South Carolina, you’re in what’s called the PIVA, the Public Employee Benefit Authority. As a firefighter in this pension system, there is a formula that will dictate what your pension payout will be. In order to figure out what your pension payout will be, there are four steps. Step one, total your 12 or 20 highest consecutive quarters of earnable compensation and include annual leave payout. Divide that by three or five. Step two, multiply the result of step one by 1.82%. Step three, you’re going to multiply the result of step two by years, months, and days of service. And then the final step, divide that result of step three by 12, which will give you your maximum monthly benefit. Let me give you an example of how to figure out what your pension could be based on your salary currently. We’re going to use a member who has 28 years of service credit and an AFC of $30,000. What you’re gonna do is $30,000 multiplied by the benefit multiplier of 0.0182 multiplied by 28, which is your service credit, divided by 12 months, which will equal $1,274. This will be your option A monthly benefit upon retirement.

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