South Carolina Firefighters: Choosing the Right Pension Option for Retirement

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  • South Carolina Firefighters: Choosing the Right Pension Option for Retirement

As a firefighter in South Carolina, you’re going to have to make a decision on when you are going to retire, but you also will have to make a decision on what pension option you are going to elect at the time of retirement. Option A, this is the maximum monthly benefit available to the retiree. This maximum monthly benefit will pay for the lifetime of the retiree. Option B is the 100%-100% joint retiree survivor monthly benefit. With option B, you will receive as the retiree a reduced amount from option A. When you pass away, your beneficiary will receive that same amount upon your death. Option C, 100%-50% joint retiree survivor monthly benefit. If you decide to elect option C, you will get a monthly benefit that is lesser than the amount of option A. When you pass away, your beneficiary will receive half of what you were making. If that beneficiary pre-deceases you, you will jump up to option A. This may sound confusing, but reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help. Go to our website at and schedule a meeting today.

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