Firefighter Heart Health: Facing the Hidden Threat and Protecting Your Future

Introduction: A Life-Saving Mission Beyond the Flames In honor of American Heart Month, let’s talk about a threat every firefighter needs to face head-on. You protect others daily, but there’s a danger that won’t show up on your radio – heart disease. Here’s the reality: when that tone drops, your heart rate spikes. Factor in […]
Will Overtime Affect your Firefighter Retirement?

Let’s talk overtime, pensions, and your retirement – a topic that hits close to home for every firefighter pulling extra shifts. You’re sacrificing time with family, taking on more exposure risks, and pushing your body harder. But does that overtime actually boost your pension or improve the chances of retirement success? And more importantly – […]
Life Insurance Policy Review: Are You Still Getting the Right Coverage?

Your life insurance needs aren’t static. As your career progresses and your family grows, that policy you bought years ago might not cut it anymore. For firefighters, having the right coverage isn’t just about death benefits – it’s about protecting yourself and your family while you’re still working. Most firefighters we work with are either […]
2025 Retirement Changes: What Every Firefighter Needs to Know

If you’re balancing a pension with additional retirement savings, 2025’s rule changes directly impact your options. Whether you’re a rookie still building out your financial plan or a veteran officer looking to maximize your final years of service, these updates change how much you can put away and how those savings work with your existing […]
New Year, New Financial Resolutions: A Firefighter’s Guide to 2025

The New Year is almost here, and while you’re already fit for duty, we can all make some improvements, especially when it comes to finances. But what kinds of financial resolutions should you make? Things like cutting up your credit cards, cooking at home instead of ordering in, and cutting down on takeout coffees while […]
Year-end Tax Tips for Firefighters

Taxes – who loves them? Well, they do fund our infrastructure, national security, and public services that keep our country running. We all benefit from what we pay into the system. However, there’s a big difference between paying your fair share and leaving money on the table because you don’t know the rules of the […]
When Should You Utilize a Trust?

Picture this: You’ve spent years building a life – your home, your pension, maybe a boat for weekend fishing. You’ve protected countless lives throughout your career. But who’s protecting what you’ve built for your family? Let’s cut through the confusion about trusts. You might think they’re just for the ultra-wealthy, but here’s the truth: a […]
Single vs. Married Financial Planning: Tailoring Your Approach

If you’re like most firefighters, you’re married and own a home. In fact, the rates of marriage and home ownership among American firefighters are typically higher than national averages. A recent FireRescue1 study showed that 77% of male firefighters are currently married¹, while a 2014 study revealed that 84% of firefighters own their homes² […]
The Order of Investing for Firefighters

Alright, so you’re making a solid, consistent income, but you also have debt hanging around. Now you’re wondering: should you start investing or focus on wiping out that debt first? Maybe it seems logical to go all-in on paying off that debt before even thinking about investing. Or maybe you’ve heard that the earlier you […]
Debt Strategies Every Firefighter Should Know

Debt has become a part of life for most Americans, and firefighters are no exception. With mortgages, car loans, student debt, and credit cards, many of us find ourselves sinking into debt that keeps us chained to work just to make ends meet. But the truth is, debt keeps people stuck in the rat race. […]